The radiating ground is the most appropriate technology for the human necessities, generating a sensation of formidable comfort and well-being. The left of the graph we can observe the ideal temperature by height, and to the right the temperatures obtained with the radiating ground: an almost inapreciable difference.
This is the appearance of the circuit that provides the heat, that is stored by the ground that is placed above.
Finally, all the ground of uniform form will be giving off the accumulated heat, and will leave the cockpit at issue properly warmed up.
The finishes, among others, can be the following ones:
- Stoneware
- Parquet
- Moqueta
Detall del circuit de terra radiant. Móra d'Ebre.
Detall de la capa de morter damunt de la distribució de circuits de terra radiant. Móra d'Ebre.
Detall de circuit de terra radiant. Móra la Nova.
Circuit de terra radiant especial per rehabilitació. Móra d'Ebre.